Scroll to the bottom of the page and use the “Discover More” button to locate the Financial Aid card.
On the Financial Aid card, click on “Check If You Have Any Outstanding Requirements”.
Next, click on “View if you have any Outstanding Requirements”.
Select the correct Award Year, for example, 2024 – 2025, from the drop-down box.
Scroll down to Student Requirements.
Under Unsatisfied Requirements, click on the link "Your financial aid is suspended..."
Complete and print the appeal. You must sign it and send it to the Student Financial
Services office for review. You may email, mail, fax, or deliver it in person.
If your appeal is approved, you will then be required to submit the academic plan
document that will be made available on your 澳门足球博彩官方网址-x from the Financial Aid card under Unsatisfied Requirements. You will need to read, sign, and return the academic plan form. In cases of maximum
timeframe, you will also need to submit a printout of your Degree Works plan. Please
read your plan carefully.
If your appeal is denied, we will notify you through your preferred email address.
The email will inform you to check your student 澳门足球博彩官方网址-x account. From the Financial Aid
card, under Student Requirements, you will see the denial message "Your FA suspension appeal has been denied". For details on why your appeal was denied click on Notifications in the menu options.